Women break down barriers and lead transformation in Chile

Molycop reinforces its commitment to diversity and inclusion by actively incorporating more women into its workforce.

Key Facts

  • Molycop is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity within its workforce. 
  • Two employees, Karen Jara and Jocelin Garrido, are exemplars of Molycop’s policy of collaborating with local community members to develop their skills and career prospects. 
  • Molycop works with municipalities to identify the specific needs of communities and tailor its initiatives accordingly.
In an ever-evolving industrial environment, Molycop understands that diverse perspectives are key to innovation and adapting to market challenges. 

By actively recruiting women to its workforce, Molycop promotes gender equity and strengthens its ability to respond to a dynamic world. Women’s contributions drive creativity, innovation and leadership, helping to build a more equitable and prosperous future.

Two Molycop employees, Karen Jara and Jocelin Garrido, are an example of Molycop’s efforts to launch community support programs aimed at making a positive societal impact

Karen’s career transition

Karen never imagined she would transition from working as an education assistant to learning how to operate a forklift for an industrial company. After leaving her previous job, she sought new opportunities and discovered that a training program opened the door to an entirely new world.

“My children doubted I could do it, but I believe it’s important to set an example of resilience and the courage to try new things,” Karen says.

After completing the program, Molycop contacted her to join the plant’s staff. 

She now works in an environment vastly different to what she knew and she feels motivated to continue her professional growth. She says she remains in a continuous learning process and has already set new challenges for herself, now serving as an Occupational Safety Administrative Assistant. 

“Thanks to this initiative, I was able to learn, secure employment and continue developing professionally,” she says.

New opportunities for Jocelin

Jocelin’s journey was not dissimilar to Karen’s. Before joining Molycop, she worked as an event security guard and in other roles until she saw the training program as an opportunity to enhance her logistics technician qualifications and challenge gender stereotypes in the industry. 

From the get-go she knew she would face difficulties, but her determination led her to complete her training and secure employment at Molycop.

"Limits are self-imposed,” Jocelin explains. "If we don’t overcome them, if we don’t tell ourselves ‘yes, I can’ and believe that anything is possible, we stay behind. I started with fear, but I’m persistent, and I keep pushing forward," she says.

Now in a new role as an Operator in the packaging area at the Talcahuano plant, she highlights the supportive environment and camaraderie she has found at the company. 

“I thought people would see me as ‘the new one,’ but the welcome was great. They’ve integrated me, made me feel part of the team, and they value my opinion,” she says.

A collaborative approach to community impact

Molycop has established a collaborative strategy with municipalities in the communities where Molycop operates. Through these partnerships, Molycop seeks to strengthen local collaboration, promote educational, training and specialisation programs, and develop social projects that directly benefit people. 

Working with municipalities allows Molycop to identify the specific needs of each community and tailor its initiatives accordingly, ensuring effective and meaningful contributions. Bringing women into the workforce isn’t just transforming the labour landscape but also inspiring future generations to follow in their footsteps.

Jocelin Garrido emphasises the importance of companies not only offering training but also integrating participants into their operations. 

“It’s not just about taking a course and that’s it. It’s about [giving women] the opportunity to apply what we’ve learned and grow,” she explains.

Stories like Karen’s and Jocelin’s demonstrate that women are increasingly finding their place in traditionally male-dominated industries. 

Initiatives like those led by Molycop are essential to enable more women – and more people overall – to access quality jobs, develop new skills and actively contribute to the industry’s growth.

Molycop – Progress Together

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