Chemical Products and Metallurgical Laboratory Services
Chemical Products and Metallurgical Laboratory Services.
Read MoreLa sonde de niveau LTM de Molycop fournit une mesure précise et efficace du niveau de pâte, de boue et d'eau pour l'industrie minière.
Faire une demandeThe LTM-2 level sensor provides accurate level measurement for the mining industry in various applications – typically, in flotation banks, individual flotation cells or in concentrate sumps to provide consistent accurate pulp level. The unique measuring principle of the LTM-2 allows it to measure the slurry level and ignore the froth component of the flotation cell.
Technologies such as float balls and ultrasonic targets are often adversely affected by the build-up of froth, foam and solids. However, these conditions have no effect on the LTM-2 probe as it has no moving parts.
LTM-2 probes are engineered to be robust and will generally provide years of operation when installed correctly.
Take your operations to the next level by exploring these additional products and services.