Celebrating community engagement and long-term support in Chile

The 'A Child, Our Commitment' program, supported by Molycop, provides crucial financial support to individuals in need.

Fast Facts

  • The 'A Child, Our Commitment' program is a collaboration between Molycop and the Municipality of Talcahuano in Chile.
  • The program facilitates pathways to education for people in local communities. 
  • Molycop has just welcomed two new beneficiaries into the program.
Molycop takes great pride in our enduring partnership with the 'A Child, Our Commitment' program, a collaboration with the Municipality of Talcahuano in Chile that has spanned over two decades. 

The program, to which we have provided crucial financial support, has paved the way for countless young individuals and their families in local communities to access education.
In 2024, we welcome two new beneficiaries into the program. This significant milestone underscores our unwavering commitment to education and community welfare, propelled by the tireless endeavours of our dedicated team in Chile. Their pivotal role in fostering these relationships has been instrumental in fostering enduring community development.

We are committed to making a difference to the communities in which we operate. We are dedicated to continually surpassing our past achievements, embracing our responsibility for a brighter future. As we look ahead, we are filled with hope and determination, ready to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.

Molycop – Progress Together 

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