Molycop empowers the next generation of Peruvian engineers

UNSA Metallurgical Engineering students were invited to visit Molycop’s La Joya plant in Arequipa, Peru, where they mixed practical learning with valuable theoretical insights.

Key Facts

  • Students from Peru’s National University of San Agustín enjoyed an immersive learning experience at Molycop’s La Joya plant.
  • The visit included a site inspection of the mechanical maintenance workshop, maintenance facilities, flotation reagent plant and grinding ball production line.
  • Molycop is committed to driving progress in mining by educating and empowering young mining professionals.  
In September, Molycop hosted fourth and fifth-year Metallurgical Engineering students from the National University of San Agustín (UNSA) at its La Joya plant in Arequipa, Peru. 

The visit offered aspiring engineers an opportunity to gain practical, hands-on experience and an understanding of how cutting-edge technology is applied in a real-world industrial setting. In doing so, the students enhanced their academic learning with valuable industry insights.

Uplifting local communities

Molycop is committed to supporting education and local communities and designed the visit to provide an immersive learning experience. 

After a comprehensive safety briefing and an overview of the plant’s operations, the students were shown critical areas of the plant, including the mechanical maintenance workshop, electrical and electronic maintenance facilities, the flotation reagent plant and Molycop’s grinding ball production line. 

They also visited the quality and metallurgy laboratories, where they witnessed the testing processes that ensure the high standards of Molycop’s grinding media products.

A better future for the mining sector

The UNSA visit forms part of Molycop’s broad efforts to foster local talent, support workforce development and strengthen ties with the community. By empowering young professionals, Molycop looks to drive innovation and lead the mining industry toward a more sustainable and efficient future.

Molycop – Progress Together

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A Molycop Australia, fundada em 1919, é líder com fábricas avançadas em Newcastle, Nova Gales do Sul, e Perth, Austrália Ocidental. Perth também abriga o centro global de otimização de processos e tecnologia digital da Molycop. A Molycop 360, o braço de logística integrada e gestão de resíduos da Molycop Australia, está sediada em Cootamundra, Nova Gales do Sul.

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