Industrial Testing

Molycop supports its clients with froth flotation testing on site and in the laboratory.

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  • Test and compare frothers.
  • Indirectly test depressants.
  • Measure bubble size distributions and superficial gas velocity.
Industrial testing Industrial testing

Two instruments can be used for froth flotation testing purposes:


The Bikerman froth stability column can be used on site and in the laboratory. The unit is used to test and compare frothers and collectors with frothing characteristics. The unit can also be used to indirectly test depressants if the gangue has froth stabilising characteristics like talc and clays.

Bubble sizer

The bubble sizer is a portable device used to measure both bubble size distributions and superficial gas velocity – e.g. directly within a flotation cell. 

It comprises a sampling tube attached to the bottom of a sealed viewing chamber. Bubbles from the pulp phase within the flotation cell travel in the sampling tube under non iso-kinetic conditions. The viewing chamber is made of plastic PVC with a single reinforced glass window.  

A lighting array (LED lights within the viewing chamber) is used to ensure image contrast. The chamber is sloped (angle 15%) to spread the bubbles into a single layer to limit overlap and provide an unambiguous plane of focus. The sample of bubbles is photographed with a digital still camera and specialist image analysis software processes the images to derive the bubble size distribution.

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