El equipo ejecutivo de Molycop acumula muchos años de experiencia, lo que nos posiciona como líderes del sector al tiempo que cumplimos nuestra promesa a nuestros clientes, socios y comunidades.
Joined Molycop in 2017. 30 years manufacturing experience. Based in Omaha, USA.
Joined Molycop in 2019. 18 years manufacturing experience. Based in Omaha, USA.
Joined Molycop in 1995. 25 years industry experience. Based in Omaha, USA.
Joined Molycop in 2013. 36 years in Industry. Based in Newcastle, Australia.
Joined Molycop in 2017. 30 years manufacturing experience. Based in Omaha, USA.
Joined Molycop in 2012. 30 years in Industry. Based in Sydney, Australia.
Joined Molycop in September 2023. Based in Omaha, USA.
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