Antamina team visits our Santa Anita plant

Representatives from one of the largest copper and zinc mines in the world visit Molycop’s Santa Anita plant.

Key Facts

  • Antamina's Supply Chain team visited the Santa Anita plant as part of their supplier due diligence process.
  • Molycop has a policy of opening its doors to customers so they can observe our operations.
  • The Antamina team had an opportunity to learn about our processes and our commitment to safety and sustainability.
Molycop had the pleasure of hosting officials from Antamina's Supply Chain team at our Santa Anita plant in Lima, Peru, as part of their supplier due diligence process. 
At Molycop, we pride ourselves on our ‘open door’ policy with customers, inviting them to tour our facilities and observe our manufacturing processes, supply chain operations and quality assurance practices firsthand. The visit also allowed the team to witness our commitment to safety and sustainability.

We are deeply grateful to the Antamina team for their visit and the opportunity to present our processes and ongoing projects. It has further strengthened our relationship and trust. 

At Molycop, we prioritise maintaining a close and transparent relationship with our customers, actively supporting their mineral processing and recovery goals. 

Molycop – Progress Together

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