Executive Team

Molycop’s Executive Team brings together years of experience, positioning us as industry leaders while we deliver on our promise to our customers, partners and communities.

Chief Executive Officer

Jim Anderson

Joined Molycop in 2017. 30 years manufacturing experience. Based in Omaha, USA.

Chief Financial Officer

Patrick Koley

Joined Molycop in 2019. 18 years manufacturing experience. Based in Omaha, USA.

Chief Operations Officer

Lance Dawber

Joined Molycop in 1995. 25 years industry experience. Based in Omaha, USA.

Chief Legal Officer

Rebecca Bortolotti

Joined Molycop in September 2023. Based in Omaha, USA.

Chief Administrative Officer

Paul Griffiths

Joined Molycop in 2012. 30 years industry experience.  Based in Sydney, Australia.

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