MillSlicer VIP - Optimisation oriented Mill Measurement

Improve the throughput and efficiency of your SAG/AG mill by measuring the mill volume, steel charge per cent, toe angle and liner impacts.

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  • Robust and reliable – acoustic is not ideal for mining environments due to dust and water/slurry spills.
  • Five measurement points with 360° of information for each of the three shell-mounted sensors.
  • Zero cross talk (no influence from other mills and equipment).
  • More accurate and comprehensive measurements.
  • Low maintenance and easy to install.
  • Precise mill fill level measurements.
  • Real-time ball striking position on the mill shell (used for optimal mill speed control and liner protection).
  • Enable better Mill Feed control.
  • Ethernet interface for quick/easy calibration and informative real-time graphics.
  • Historical data for historical vibration analysis to estimate mill liner and bearing wear.
  • Local support.
Product Animation MillSlicer dashboard 2 MillSlicer dashboard 3


The MillSlicer is advanced measurement equipment that consists of vibration sensors mounted on the mill shell. The sensors measure the angular impact intensity, maximum impact angle and centroid of the impacts, which can be used to infer the charge distribution and conditions to achieve the most effective impact alignment with the charge.

Molycop’s VIP Data Platform software collates live operating data into a secure cloud, facilitating visualisation and data analytics by experts located anywhere in the world.

With proprietary data analytics, MillSlicer signals are combined with plant data to calculate the live charge volume and steel charge during operation. This service also acts as a historical record for process data and can be expanded to include data from other sources such as mining and geo-metallurgy to allow the option of predictive control.

Benefits of MillSlicer VIP

MillSlicer VIP provides actionable insights that can:

  • reduce mill liner wear and grinding media consumption. This is due to an improvement in the mill trajectory and power utilisation. Improvements between 5 and 10 per cent in terms of grinding media consumption are possible, while liner life has been improved by between 10 and 30 per cent.
  • improve milling circuit efficiency – This would result in additional throughput. Results achieved vary between 3 and 40 per cent, depending on baseline.
  • improve mill power utilisation – kWh/ton between 3 and 10 per cent have been achieved under similar conditions.
  • provide advanced data analytics and data repository – This involves the use of sophisticated algorithms and statistical techniques to analyse large amounts of data generated by milling equipment.

Our comprehensive solution is designed to significantly enhance our clients' milling performance. We have the flexibility to tailor our solutions according to the specific needs of our clients, ensuring a customised fit that aligns perfectly with their requirements. By integrating our milling solutions, we provide an all-encompassing approach that delivers exceptional value. 

Molycop offers:

  • Commissioning and onboarding – Professional assistance and guidance during the implementation phase to ensure a seamless transition and successful integration
  • Premium technical support – Dedicated and priority access to our expert technical support team for prompt assistance and troubleshooting
  • Exclusive software upgrades – Access to exclusive software upgrades that unlock additional features and functionality, keeping our clients at the forefront of mill optimisation
  • Customised data analytics – Tailored data analytics services that provide valuable insights and recommendations for optimising mill performance based on specific client needs.

These options further enhance our clients' milling capabilities and provide them with a comprehensive suite of tools and support to achieve optimal results.

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