MillROC (Milling Remote Optimisation Consulting & Coaching) remotely monitors and models circuits and processing plants to ensure optimal performance.

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  • Remote optimisation consulting service.
  • Guidance on operating approaches and setpoints.
  • Apply machine learning to the datasets produced.
  • Understand key parameters driving performance.
  • Increase throughput and reduce liner wear.

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MillROC remotely monitors circuits and provides online feedback to ensure a processing plant is running optimally.  

In addition, a virtual online milling expert is on-hand to provide advice to keep the circuit at optimal performance. This maximises throughput, increases power efficiency, improves recovery, reduces wear and promotes longer liner life, thus maximising asset utilisation. 

Traditional comminution circuit reviews typically result in throughput improvements of more than 10%. However, improvements are often unsustainable due to changing conditions and ore types. Consequently, most grinding circuits operate sub-optimally for long periods of time. This can lead to millions of dollars in lost revenue. 

Merging expert consulting services with cloud-based computing effectively addresses this problem by having the consultant’s recommendations continuously available to the plant.

We partner with our clients to understand the key parameters driving performance, improving instrumentation and data acquisition to allow implementation of advanced data analytics and machine learning.

Benefits of MillROC

  • Increase recovery
  • Improve efficiency
  • Increase throughput
  • Improve liner life
  • Maximise assets

Find out more information on MillROC by visiting the Orway IQ website

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MillROC Improvement Project at Australian Nickel Mine

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Edikan: Continuous Improvement with MillROC Support

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